How2LoveOurCops EVENTS!
H2LOC 2025 schedule is currently a work in progress. The year should be up-to-date by the end of January.
Other Events
What about me?
February 22, 2025 - 8:30 AM - Noon
First Baptist Church of Goshen
1011 S Indiana Ave
Goshen, IN 46526 - Door 4
Morning Filled with:
- Sessions designed to inspire
- Opportunity to refuel.recharge.refresh
- Connect with others who get it!
Law Enforcement Region Wide
Spouse Academy
Open to all agencies
H2LOC Speakers:
H2LOC Indiana rep, Jenny Lanzen, will be a guest speaker; Elevate Your Family Life
Register here:
March 11-13, in Anaheim, California
The educational program is now available. More information regarding registration fees, lodging, schedule, and program can be found below. To receive the latest news, sign up for updates.
Improving officer safety and wellness enhances the health and effectiveness of officers, as well as the safety of the community. This conference is for law enforcement professionals to learn from experts in the field about resources and best practices when developing comprehensive officer safety and wellness strategies. Participants will learn about building resilience, financial wellness, injury prevention, peer support programs, physical fitness, proper nutrition, sleep deprivation, stress, mindfulness, suicide prevention, and more.
Formerly the Officer Safety and Wellness (OSW) Symposium.
H2LOC Speakers:
What Families Need to Be Healthy: Victoria Newman
New Officer Family Education: Lorie Osborne
Family Programs & Family Peer Support: Janine D'Agostini
Learn more here: IACP Officer Safety & Wellness Conference
July 21 at 8:00 am Ends July 25 at 12:00 pm
Little Rock Marriott
3 Statehouse Plaza Little Rock, AR
ICPC's Annual Training Seminar offers specialized training and fellowship with other law enforcement chaplains who are continuing to develop their skills in support of the work they do on behalf of their agencies. In addition to the courses required for ICPC's Basic credential, each Annual Training Seminar offers participants an opportunity to attend the courses in Enrichment and Advanced tracks. ICPC provides documentation of continuing education for all programs and courses offered at the Annual Training Seminar. Information about the next ATS is shown below.
H2LOC Speakers:
What Families Need to Be Healthy: Victoria Newman
New Officer Family Education: Lorie Osborne
Family Programs & Family Peer Support: Janine D'Agostini
Learn more here: ICPP Event
This calendar is updated regularly. Please check often to see when we have events and speaking opportunities.