in the news

First Quarter Review

A note from our founder

Dear Friends,

Happy Spring to you!

We started 2024 off with a renewed vision and plan we are very excited about! As we’ve consistently evaluated the best ways to educate and support our law enforcement families, we realized that there are thousands of families who’ve never heard of us. These families desperately need our resources! We immediately revamped our goals for 2024 to prioritize two ways of reaching families.

First, increase our social media presence with content designed to help, give hope, and provide needed knowledge. Second, reach new officer families through departments and academies, providing early education. We now have several projects in the works on our website, in social media, and creating progressive family trainings as officers move through the career. We have expanded our Marketing/Communications team, and created a robust Content Team working together to reach these families.

Then suddenly, we felt the wind change! Since 2018 when our work began, we have worked tirelessly to gain ground in the law enforcement community. We’ve built a solid reputation as an organization of excellence and trust. Our work has been slow but methodical, with good results. We felt that we were pushing…appropriately so. And then in one week, we were contacted by two large organizations that were asking us to bring Home Watch to them. This change is huge—we went from pushing ourselves to others pulling us in. Our team members are responding with a different approach!

The good news doesn’t stop there. As the new year began, we had three individuals who’d credited H2LOC for saving their lives (thwarting suicide). This past quarter, we added four more people to that list! Our work is making a difference…and seven families have their loved ones with them, getting the help they need. We couldn’t be more thankful.

Thank you for your support, prayers, dollars, and interaction. We are grateful for you!

Victoria Newman

Founder, President

Big Day of Giving has officially begun!

We’re excited to announce that early giving for Big Day of Giving has officially begun! From today, April 18, through May 2, you have the opportunity to make a profound impact on the lives of law enforcement families. How 2 Love Our Cops is dedicated to educating, encouraging, and equipping law enforcement families to thrive in all aspects of life. Your early support enables us to expand and enhance our vital programs, including peer support, educational workshops, and comprehensive resources that foster resilience and wellbeing among law enforcement families!
How to Give Early:
Visit our donation page at to make your contribution.
Remember, every dollar goes to our resources, events, and programs for law enforcement families!
Early donations also help us leverage additional prizes and matching funds, maximizing the impact of your gift.
Your support during this period is crucial and greatly appreciated. Together, we can ensure that our law enforcement families receive the support they need to thrive.
Thank you for your continued commitment to How 2 Love Our Cops. Let's make this Big Day of Giving a monumental success!

Podcast Interview on with Victoria Newman

Listen to this podcast from where Victoria gave her first hand account of the early years of being married to Chief Brent Newman. She shares about being ready for a divorce and preparing to leave, but then why she stuck with the marriage and the payoffs that has brought. You don’t want to miss this!

Mt. Democrat Article from October 4, 2021

Roberta Long of the Mountain Democrat starts the article with this testimonial: “When I put this guidebook on the coffee table preparing to review it, my husband picked it up and didn’t put it down for 20 minutes. “I had no idea,” he said. “I never thought about it,” referring to the need to support families of men and women in law enforcement. “This guidebook is incredible.”

KCRA TV News Sacramento-Special Interview with Deputy Scott Brown

Being vulnerable and sharing a painful experience is not easy. But that’s exactly what Sacramento County Sheriff's Deputy Scott Brown is committed to doing. Deputy Brown survived a gun battle with convicted cop killer Luis Bracamontes five years ago, but his partner Deputy Danny Oliver was killed. Deputy Brown admits the pain of losing his friend and partner never goes away. For many years, Brown questioned why he survived and his partner did not. But now, he believes he was spared to share his testimony with other law enforcement officers silently suffering through the trauma the job can often cause.

Senate Unanimously Passes Grassley-Gillibrand Bill to Aid Officers Disabled in Line of Duty

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Senate today unanimously passed legislation authored by Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) to improve access to assistance for first responders permanently disabled in the line of duty. The Protecting America’s First Responders Act establishes guidelines for determining eligibility for federal benefit under the Public Safety Officers Benefits (PSOB) program and provides the Justice Department with new tools to more uniformly and efficiently adjudicate benefit claims.

Wife Of Injured Billings Police Officer Takes Fight For Injured Officers To Our Nation’s Capital

The silvery scars that run up and down Ladd Paulson’s legs serve as a faint reminder of the not one but two near-fatal motorcycle crashes he suffered while on the job as a Billings police officer.

The first happened in 2002 while he was on his police motorcycle following up on suspicious activity. Even with his lights on and siren blaring, a car T-boned him at 50 miles an hour. The impact threw him into a nearby ditch and caused a brain injury, broken ribs, a fractured skull and kidney, a crushed leg, collapsed lung, perforated diaphragm and — the most critical — a transected aorta.