Do You See Me?

It was quite a spectacle. The word was spreading … there were very large, light-skinned and blonde people who were making their way through the baranguay (neighborhood) called Pleasant Hills. They were Americans! The people came to their windows, doors, and peered out, smiling and shaking hands, sometimes cautious, but mostly curious. The children began pouring out of all nooks and crannies, dancing, playing, teasing, eyes lit up with joy as they herded around the very big men and the blonde “ma’am.” The crowd grew bigger and louder as the Americans made their way through the baranguay, cats and roosters scurrying to scoot out of the way…

I was having the time of my life with these little ones, watching, learning, drinking in the not-so-pleasant smells and the way of life of these Filipino people. Their faces were dirty, their hands so tiny, but their playful voices were a delight. As I meandered through the uneven street that was barely a couple of meters wide, I looked up to see an open door with a thick screen in front. It was dark in the home beyond, but in the soft light from above I could make out the form of a beautiful young woman. She didn’t come out. She just stood there, tentative and shy. A little voice in my head whispered, “Do you see me?” and I stopped. I looked closer … her thin arm holding onto the door behind, ready to close for protection. I smiled, and she returned the favor. A lovely smile…

I see you…

There are so many areas of this world that are war torn, poverty-stricken, overrun with crime. But, if we’re really looking, really willing to see, there is beauty there. And value.

So much of my days are spent in busy mode – I’m in a hurry, I’ve got to get things done, I don’t have time to look into the faces of those around me – in the check out line, in the car next to me at the light, at the next table. I just ignore them as if they’re not even there.

What if we just took the time to find beauty in unlikely places? To slow down a bit, look into a stranger’s eyes, exchange a smile… I think we’d then begin to really see.


  1. Abby Longshore on April 3, 2012 at 1:36 am

    I really liked your post today. It can be a challenge to find beauty in or the silver lining in things. And sometimes, there really isnt. We just deal with it. But Finding beauty in everyday simplicity is a gift & it is a blessing to find it.

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