A Note from Victoria Newman – 2022 Impact
Dear Friends,
As 2022 comes to a close, I reflect on how far How 2 Love Our Cops (H2LOC) has come in four years. We have planned and pivoted several times as we’ve responded to law enforcement families and their needs, especially since the spring and summer of 2020. As a team, we are listening, keeping our hands on the pulse of those who’ve been through much difficulty. And although we are responding to needs constantly, we also are building resources that can proactively build resiliency within law enforcement homes.
For now, let’s take a moment to capture all that How 2 Love Our Cops accomplished this year:
• Home Watch Conference (LEO Spouses) in Auburn California – 120 attendees
• Launched a Marriage Conference in Waterford, Maine – 60 attendees
• Attended and served nine Traumas of Law Enforcement Classes (C.O.P.S) across the country, including Roseville, California
• Presented on the value of educated families and hosted a booth at the International Association of Chiefs of Police Wellness Symposium in Atlanta, Georgia. The president of the event said we were the talk of the conference—and asked us to return next year. We followed up with over 50 departments afterwards.
• We gave out hundreds of books and other resources to Officers and their Families in at least 42 states and Canada
• Spouse Conference launch in Elkhart, Indiana – 40 attendees
• Over 20 Spouse Groups assisted
• Over 60 crisis responses
• Hosted the first large scale Critical Incident Stress Management training specifically designed for law enforcement spouses
• Over 80 Police Departments assisted/sent resources
• Launch of the first LEO Male Spouse Group—called B.R.O.S. (Building Resilient Officer Spouses)
• Two videos produced—to be added to the website soon!
• Summer National Book Club with over 75 registrants in 16 states
• Two Bible studies led by Team Members
• Intentional strengthening of organizational infrastructure and programs to get ready for growth
• Eight podcast & webinar appearances by Team Members
• Over 44,000 new visitors to our website from all over the world
• 16 Team Members who are now presenting
• Over 20 Departments prayed for specifically (Pray for the Patch)
• Office space donated by local businessman
• Regular leadership mentoring and business coaching received
• Invited to take part in a Christian business organization fundraiser, and donors gave over $34,000 to H2LOC!
• Team Members traveled to Indiana and Michigan to support the Breaching the Barricade Conference and Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. We spoke, peered, connected with dozens of families and chaplains, and gave out every resource we had!
• Credited for TWO officers’ lives saved, a dozen more marriages saved through our resources, and several notes from officers who are now in counseling because of our latest resource, Facing Evil.
• Gala Fundraiser held with 230 attendees, 15 extra volunteers, over 20 sponsors, and $75,000 raised

Photo by Mike Layman Photography
• Connection with hundreds of officers, spouses, and organizational partners at the C.O.P.S. National Conference in Dallas; giving all our resources out the first day!
• We provided funding for one law enforcement couple’s counseling, assistance for a California Highway Patrol LODD widow, and sent yellow roses to the Uvalde Police Department (TX) dispatchers after the school shooting there. We also and sent flowers to Pinal (AZ) County Sheriff Mark Lamb’s family after his son, son’s fiancé, and granddaughter were killed in a car accident.
We did all of this through the hands, hearts, and minds of our dedicated and gifted volunteers, who gave thousands of hours. We were backed by generous donors. We were fueled by compassion, empathy, and a desire to equip and encourage law enforcement families. We continue to be held accountable by our mission, vision, leadership, donors, and those we serve.
So, what’s next? Here’s a sneak peek of a few of our goals and plans for 2023:
• Hire our first employee
• Weekly VLOG on website and social media
• Home Watch Spouse Conferences in Sacramento, Oklahoma City, Boston, and Baton Rouge
• Add 5-7 State Liaisons
• Lay foundation/strategic plans for two awesome new programs in 2024 (more information to come later!)
• Launch New Officer Family page on our website utilizing this year’s video, and resource starter kits—this is a new resource for departments, chaplaincies, and spouse groups
• Expand our peer support program
• Several partnerships in the works to bring the best programs, events, and resources to our families
• And much, much more…
As 2022 joins the history books, we are pleased that we met almost all the goals we set! And even though we intentionally held back on expansion to fortify our infrastructure, growth continued to occur—the needs are greater than ever. We expect 2023 to be a year of exponential growth—the reputation and trust we have earned through our values, attitude, and excellence have key organizations knocking on our door. There is not another organization like H2LOC in the country—and law enforcement agencies are finally ready to include families in their wellness programs!
Frankly, we need more team members, prayers, and financial help than ever!
If you would like to volunteer, receive regular prayer requests, or would like to donate (we are a 501c3 organization in good standing), either see our website for more information (www.how2loveourcops.org), or email us at info@how2loveourcops.org. We will respond as quickly as possible!
The easiest way to give is to text "GIVEBLUE" to 44321.
We are so grateful to you who have prayed, helped in practical ways, volunteered, referred families to us, encouraged us, and gave of your hard-earned monies to support us financially. You are a valuable part of the How 2 Love Our Cops Team. We simply cannot serve our families without you!
Happy New Year!
Victoria M. Newman
Founder & President
How 2 Love Our Cops
P.S.: All bold items are describing the photos below in the above lists.