
“I think I’m beginning to realize that cop wives have to learn to live with spending a lot of time alone.” My heart sank. Because it’s true. This young, independent cop wife of not even two years has a successful career. Her husband loves her. More than the job. More than anyone or anything else.…

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Law Enforcement Spousal Conference

Register for the March 2nd Conference HERE. About this Event Home Watch 2019 is our first conference for spouses of law enforcement officers. Set aside a day just for you, and bring your friends! You’ll laugh, cry, connect, and be encouraged as you glean “Strength for the Journey”. Includes refreshments, lunch, interactive conversation, stories and…

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How2LoveYourCop: Growing and Expanding!

I’ve been feeling pretty nostalgic lately. Seven years ago this time of year was when CHiP on my Shoulder—How to Love Your Cop with Attitude hit the online bookstores. I had no idea what to expect—would people buy it? And if they buy it, would they even like it? It was a complete unknown. And…

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Independence Day

Yesterday I had a good cry. It wasn’t about gratitude for our country, or amazing fireworks, or indignation of where our country is headed. I’ve done all that in years past. No, yesterday was a different kind of Independence Day. The month of June was about celebration. Thirty years of marriage. My daughter graduated from…

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Operation Renovation: Lesson One

Our old home began its makeover in April of last year. It wasn’t hard to figure out what needed to be done first—the kitchen floor. It was a white linoleum that had undergone the wear and tear of four children, four teenagers and dozens of friends, thousands of meals made, hundreds of goodies baked, and…

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The Realization…

“This home is not a safe place for me.”   The words cut like a knife. They dove down into the deepest place of my motivation and pride, and locked in fear and pain.   Not a safe place? Our home, the place where I strove to create home and memories and talks and beauty…

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A Time for Family

There are seasons in life where all else is put aside to concentrate on one thing. That one thing takes much time, most thoughts, focused efforts, and everything else becomes secondary. Like fighting a serious illness. A baby born. The aftermath and trial of a critical incident. Your wedding. Death of a loved one. A…

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Labor Day 2017

Labor Day unofficially begins the first day of fall. I’m excited to see the summer go, ushering in the dawn of a new season. Here in Northern California, the hot, stale heat gave way to a little cloud cover, and a fresh breeze blew through the backyard as we worked yesterday. It was a welcome…

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